Getting to know… Silvia

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Silvia Martín


Conociendo a... Silvia[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”left-to-right”]

The clinic and the patients

Why did you choose this profession?

It is a purely vocational choice. Even as a little girl, I was curious about dentistry, so wheni it came time to chose the degree I did not have any doubt. I found very gratifying to give patients back a smile.

Which three qualities must have someone whose job is the same as yours?

The first one I would say is to be hardworking, though probably this is a quality that the majority of professions need. Secondly I would say that dentistry professionals must keep our desires of learning and being up-to-date intact. This is a job that is in continuous evolution and advances happen every day. And finally, I think that it is important to be meticulous, to have devotion for details.

How is a workday for you at the clinic?

In my case, I do not have an exact routine every day. I hev been working at tahe clinic for a short time, since September, so I try to include the maximum possible tasks in order to learn more. Beside carrying out my task as odontologist, in occasions I attend to the doctors with more experience at the clinic to learn form their know-how. Always non-stop![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”right-to-left”]

Conociendo a... SilviaClosely

If you did not have this job, what do you think you will be doing?

I was very sure that I wanted to be an odontologist, but if I take time to think… I guess I would have been a lawyer.

A quality you appreciate in people?

Fellowship. I think it is important to know you can lean on the people who is by your side day after day and to know you can count on the support of your colleagues in order to work well as a team.

A quality that defines you?

Perseverance. I am very firm and constant in whatever I strive to do.

A hobby?

Skiing, I go whenever I can. And then… I guess the typical things: going out with my friends, travelling…

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Phlias, not phobias

A book: The catcher in the rye, by J.D. Salinger

A film or a series: La casa de papel, I’ve just finished watching it and i love it!

A song: Love natural, by Crystal Fighters

A place to lose yourself: anywhere in the south in summertime

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