Getting to know… Bego

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Bego Villanueva 

Reception and Patient Care

Conociendo a Bego: equipo de la clínica dental[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text css_animation=”left-to-right”]

The clinic and the patients

How did you end up working at Ortiz-Vigón Clinic?

It was by chance. I graduated in Tourism so I had previously worked in the tourism sector. However, I decided to completely change my work field.

Which three qualities must have someone whose job is the same as yours?

Empathy, good listening skills and being decisive are the required skills to work in the reeption of a dental clinic.

How is a workday for you at the clinic?

I have direct contact with our patients and that makes each day different. Generally I try to come early to the clinic to have a look at the agenda. The days are quite frantic, we receive a lot of patients in a day and  good coordination and planning with colleagues are important so everything works perfectly. In addition, I usually collaborate with the communication team to produce some audiovisual material, recording videos or taking some photos of high quality to share in our web or in our social media channels.

Conociendo a Bego: le encanta la fotografíaWhich is the major satisfaction of working at Ortiz-Vigón Clinic?

To feel your helps people feel better in their day to day, the relationship built with patients. In the end, we have close contact with the people who come. They tell us their impressions, their doubts … These conversations make us get closer to the people in front of us and to see that the work of the whole team make them feel good is a reason to feel satisfied.

How differs this clinic from the rest?

We have a great implication in the treatment of the patients and we try that every patient to feel unique. Every patient has his/her particularity and to find the key for his/her treatment is fundamental. The constant supervision from the beginning of the treatment until the end is what makes us different.

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Conociendo a Bego: practicando tenisClosely

If you did not have this job, what do you think you will be doing?

That’s not an easy question. To be honest, it is not completely clear to me. I love practising sports and maybe I would have chosen something related to sports.

A quality you appreciate in people?

Empathy. It is important to put yourself in other people’s position to act accordingly.

A quality that defines you?

Persistent. I do not decline easily. I set my goals and I constantly work to achieve them.

A hobby?

I have many! Tenis, reading, photography…[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_separator][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”6214″ alignment=”center”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Philias, not phobias

A book: Harry Potter

A film or a series: Prison break

A song:  We built this house (Scorpions) and Calling you (Blue October)

A place to lose yourself: Laredo

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