María Castillo


Conociendo a Maria Castillo

The clinic and the patients

How did you end up working at Ortiz-Vigón Clinic?

It was by chance, it’s been a short time since I started working here. I started as a sterilization assitant and after a while I decided to train to be a care assistant.

Which three qualities must have someone whose job is the same as yours?

I will only say two qualities: commitment to team work and self-organization.

How is a workday for you at the clinic?

Everyday is different, sometimes there are very busy days and some other times, we can work in a more relaxed way.

Which is the major satisfaction of working at Ortiz-Vigón Clinic?

My workmates.

How differs this clinic from the rest?

The personalized service to our patients, the professionals’ team… Thus, having the opportunity to work in a place like this, where magnificent views of the city can be seen, it’s wonderful.

Any tip for our patients?

To keep good hygiene steadily.


Conociendo a Maria Castillo

If you did not have this job, what do you think you will be doing?

I think I would not have change the area of work, I mean, I think I would also have done something related to health sector. Maybe I would have chosen antoher profile, such as Image for Diagnosis Technician.

A quality you appreciate in people?


A quality that defines you?

Sincere and hard worker.

A hobby?



Philias, not phobias

A book: El lector de Julio Verne, by Almudena Grandes

A film or a series: The Walking Dead

A song: Pink Floyd’s Another brick in the wall

A plce to lose yourself:  Menorca


María Castillo is not the only workmate who has shared her personal aspect. Would you like to know how did they start working here, what they love or what are other members of the team like?

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