Significant presence of Ortiz-Vigón Clinic and PerioCentrum at SEPA 2018

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As expected, Ortiz-Vigón Clinic and PerioCentrum attended the “SEPA 2018, the periodontics and oral health cogress” celebrated in Seville from April 12 on Thursday until Saturday, the 14th of April. Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón, Dr. Erik Regidor, Dr. Jordi Navarro, Dr. Esperanza Gross, Dr. Silvia Martin and the periodontal maintenance responsibles Mary Carmen Blanco and Eva Gonzalez were present together with other doctors of different clinics of PerioCentrum at one of the most important appointments in dentistry, and in particular, in periodontics, at European level.

Dr. Ortiz-Vigón, lecturer at an international congress

Presencia destacada de Clínica Ortiz-Vigón y PerioCentrum en SEPA 0218Organized by the Spanish Society of Periodontics and Osseointegration, SEPA 2018 has gathered together in FIBES-Seville more than 5.000 attendees, exceeding organizers expectations. A number that records the magnitude of the event. An event which has brought together more than 300 international experts representatives of sanitary institutions, scientific societies and other worldwide entities. On the other hand, the number of lecturers has reached 220, bincluding Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón.

The medical director of Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao, opened the symposium “Introduce management in your clinic” that extended throughout the morning of Friday, the 13th of April with a conference named “I need to be trained in management to manage a clinic”. In addition, he took part in the round table at Integra space and presented the raison d’être and the path of Smile is a Foundation, global humanitarian relief organization of which both Ortiz-Vigón Clinic and PerioCentrum are founders.

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PerioCentrum, a prominent role

Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón was not the only member of PerioCentrum who had a relevant role during the congress SEPA 2018. As the doctor Ortiz-Vigón, Dr. Alfonso Oteo (PerioCentrum Segovia) served as a rapporteur at SEPA Manegement program, mainly aimed to direction and administration of the odontologic centers. Dr. Oteo gave the talk “Referals: do they continue being a model?” within the symposium “Success keys in different models of dental clinic”.

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On the other hand, some PerioCentrum doctors participated in several conferences at SEPA Periodontics, the most scientific-medical side of the event. Dr. Fabio Vignoletti (PerioCentrum Verona and Madrid) moderated the interactive debate after two talks about perimplantitis and soft tissues. As for Dr. Eduardo Montero (PerioCentrum Madrid),  he directed the workshop “Contemporary periodontal and peri-implant maintenance”.

Therefore, significant protagonism of Periocentrum at SEPA 2018, one of the most relevant events about dentistry that shows how other periodontics and dentistry professionals appreciate Periocentrum’s path, methodology and personnel, who gain more protagonism every year in several different and important congresses.

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