Multitudinous conference by Dr. Ortiz-Vigón and significant presence of PerioCentrum

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Multitudinous conference by Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón

As we mentioned some few days ago, part of the doctors team of Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao as well as some other PerioCentrum doctors attended the relevant international congress EAO-SEPES Joint Meeting 2017. This is one of the most important events in the world on implantology, periodontics and oral health and it gathers together the leading professionals and specialists from the sector.

Ponencia del Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón y presencia destacada de PerioCentrum

Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón participated as keynote speaker in the Main Auditorium of the congress. More than 4,000 people attended conference about “Flap design based on peri-implant defect characteristics” by Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao’s clinical director. You can still watch the full conference here.

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The hallmark of PerioCentrum

On the one hand, Dr. Erik Regidor carried out an oral-communication-format presentation titled “Influencia de la altura del pilar protésico en los parámetros clínicos peri-implantarios. Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo observacional transversal”. Doctors Mariana González-Axpe and Jordi Navarro also participated with poster-format-presentations.  Lidia Zarzuela and Esperanza Gross (PerioCentrum Bilbao) also attended the congress. On the other hand, Dr. Fabio Vignoletti (PerioCentrum Madrid and Verona) and Dr. Ignacio Sanz carried out a therotical-practical workshop about Soft Tissue Management. 

We are very happy to carry the hallmark of PerioCentrum Academy and PerioCentrum Research in one of the most important congress of the world and we would like to congratulate all the doctors for their hard and excellent work.

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