Multidisciplinary training

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The end of last week was intense for Ortiz-Vigón Clinic’s staff. Professionals of the different departments of the clinic participated in different courses, seminars and events that leveraged the educational training of the team. To keep up with all innovations of our field and to learn from other colleagues is very important for a constant update at all the levels. In other words, we bet on multidisciplinary training.

Learning to better understand periodontal patient

Nuestras compañeras en el curso de Paciente Periodontal, un reto para el higienista dentalIdoia Ayllón and Silvia Justel, periodontal maintenance managers, came together with our patient care colleagues Begoña Villanueva and Mónica Teijido to the course “Periodontal patient. A challenge for the dental hygienist” organized by the Association of Oral Hygienists of the Basque Country (HIDES Basque Country). During the training, our team mates analyzed topics such as periodontum anatomy, diagnosis and etiology of the periodontal disease, periodontal surgery, mucogingival surgery or implants surgery, among others.

Nuestras compañeras en el curso de Paciente Periodontal, un reto para el higienista dental


3D printers management and methodology of investigation

Dra. Gross en el curso de Dental Academia Dental para el manejo de impresoras 3D

Meanwhile, Dr. Esperanza Gross, who is nowadays specializing in dental odontology, attended the “3D Printing Party. How 3D technology changes odontology”. To say in other words, the course was directed to 3D printers management and applicability. The educational session was organized by Dental Academy Digital, an academy which leverages promotion and training in digital technology

Dr. August de Oliveira, an American odontologist specialized in implants, international lecturer and co-creator of the magazine Digital Enamel, attended the course

Furthermore, doctors Alberto Ortiz-Vigón and Erik Regidor continued with their studies in Methodology of Investigation in Odontology of the Spanish Association of Periodontics and Osseointegration (known by its Spanish acronym SEPA). The course, which will last until April 2018, is geared towards odontologists, stomatologists and other professionals of the healthcare who want to extend their knowledge about procedures of investigation or to improve the processes of analysis – study.

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