Dr. Gross visits 3Shape’s Spanish headquarters

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Dr. Gross, specialist in digital odontolgy

Doctor Esperanza Gross, specialist in Oral Medicine and Bruxism, has recently visited the facilities of 3Shape in Madrid. The doctor, who is completing nowadays her training in Master in Restorative Dentistry based on New Technologies at the Complutensian University of Madrid, visited the headquarters in the Spanish capital of the Danish company to learn more about digital design with dental system named software.

Dr. Gross, as a participant of this postgraduate course, is beind trained in periodontis and investigation, as well as in prosthesis and aesthetics. Nevertheless, the students who are going through these top studies will be, especially, professionals at the forefront of the sector with their scientific and technical education in digital odontology. Health sciences demand new methodologies and technologies and in Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao we want to advance close to the digital transformation to be able to attend to the current needs of our patients. That is the reason why our team members, and more particularly Dr. Gross, are specializing in new technologies.

Dra. Gross en las instalaciones de 3Shape para el aprendizaje de odontología dental


3Shape, leader in digital transformation

The Danish company is especially known by its intraoral and laboratory scanners, design software and surgeries’ planning. Established in Madrid since last year, according to Luis Molina, Country Manager in Spain and Portugal, “3Shape is particularly established in the laboratories market thanks to its CAD design software called Dental System”.

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