Dosimeter or how to measure radiation

Today we celebrate Health and Safety at Work Day. At the Ortiz-Vigón Clinic we do everything that is in our power to minimise risks in the workplace. An example of this are the dosimeter our doctors wear, like the one you can see in the picture.

The dosimeter is a small device that measures the radiation received by each of the doctors. When they X-ray patients, doctors are also exposed to radiation from X-rays. In general, exposure to low doses of X-rays, such as those received during conventional radiographies, are not harmful. The staff, however, is continuously exposed to this type of radiation, so it is advisable to measure the quantity and take appropriate action if necessary.

Every month, we receive new “empty” devices and at the end of the month, the dosimeters are sent to a centre responsible for measuring the amount of radiation received by the doctors. In this way, we can somehow control radiation and thus avoid further problems it could cause.

For more information on treatments related to Radiology at the Ortiz-Vigón clinic here.

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