Diastema, is it worth keeping it just for image?

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Madonna con su característico diastema
Madonna con su característico diastema

Madonna, Lewis Hamilton, Laura Pausini, Quim Gutierrez, Dani Martín, Patricia Conde, Ander Iturraspe… International as well as national singers, actors and athletes. The question which comes to us is: what do they have in common? Diastema. In other words, the separation between teeth.

This anomaly is common amongst kids that still have their baby teeth. However, once the definite teeth come out, diastema tends to be rectified. Some of the people mentioned above have decided to correct this dental problem. Nevertheless, other people decide diastema looks good on them and they make of it their main characteristic. It takes all kinds to make a world. Anyway, Ortiz-Vigón Clinic would like to take advantage of these lines to give information about this anomaly, its causes, its consequences and possible treatments.

Diastema: what is it and what produces it

As we have said before, diastema is the separation between dental pieces and even if the most seen type of diastema is the one usually found between central incisors of the upper jaw, this anomaly refers to an interdental separation in any buccal area.


Many are the reasons that produce a diastema case. Here we list some of the most common ones:

  • Absence of dental pieces: agenesis is the absence of a dental piece since we are born and generally due to hereditary causes. A tooth may also be lost due to a traumatism or any other reason. In both cases, that absence inevitably provokes a teeth separation.
  • Microdontia: if teeth have a smaller size than usual they do not contact with each other, leading us to another case of diastema.
  • Upper frenulum with low insertion: if the frenulum is situated in a lower position than it should, it can occupy an unsuitable area and produce an interdental separation.
  • Periodontal disease: this illness implies a bone loss related to a periodontal tissue’s inflammation which may produce a tooth loss and as a consequence, a separation between dental pieces.
  • Bad oral habits: such as thumb sucking.


Lewis Hamilton con diastema
Lewis Hamilton


Diastema may be the origin of some dental problems as well as affect our overall health. Besides raising the risk of suffering from gums or decays, to keep this interdental separation may produce speech problems, a bad bite which causes jaw pain, headaches or earache, as well as spinal pain.


Depending on the case and the patient, a specialist is the person who will define which treatment should be followed to correct diastema:

  • Orthodontia: this is a very common method. Teeth can be slowly moved and the space between teeth can be closed.
  • Dental implants: this solution could work if diastema is produced by the absence of a dental piece.
  • Veneers: these are films that have the same color as our teeth used to give a compact look of our denture.
  • Frenectomy: in case the interdental separation is caused by problems in the frenulum, it is recommended to carry out a surgical intervention in order to enable its repositioning.


If you have a diastema and until now you have not realized about its consequences but you have decided to not keep it anymore, do not hesitate to make an appointment at Ortiz-Vigón Clinic.

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