Smile is a Foundation lands in Zimbabwe

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Dentists and ophthalmologists

Members and volunteers who collaborate with Smile is a Foundation have again travelled to Zimbabwe. About twenty dentists, including Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón and Dr. Esperanza Gross, as well as several ophthalmologists visit once again this country of the south-east zone of Africa. More precisely, they visit the populations netx to the border of Park Hwange and Victory Falls (Matebale Land South). The aim is to cover the sanitary needs of the most vulnerable people and without access to basic helath services, specially in the area of the odontolgy and the ophthalmology.

The imapct of the campaigns and future projects

Smile is a Foundation en ZimbabweSince the creation of the foundation in 2011, volunteers have moved to Zimbabwe in many occassions. To this day, Smile is a Foundation has already treated more than 10.000 patients and has done more than 25.000 odontologic treatments including extractions, obturations and endodoncies. Moreover, approximately 2.000 checks of the vision have been done and distributed more than 2.600 glasses. To the 30 volunteers who work on the field, several doctors and local nurses of the government of Zimbabwe sum up to the actions on the field. In fact, one of the most immediate aim is to achieve self management of oral health and to encourage the collaborative sanitary personnel of the clinics and hospitals to do the same actions Smile is a Foundation does.


The economic contribution of the companies and the individuals is vital for Smile is a Foundation to continue developing its labor. The solidary cocktail to raise funds celebrated a few weeks ago, it turn out to be very satisfactory. Nevertheless, any help is really welcome. How can you collaborae?

  • Become a member and donate regularly the quantity you want.
  • By means of bank-transfer: Banco Santander: ES29 0049 6699 1824 1626 3921.
  • By using PayPal. 

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