Clinical residency of PerioCentrum Academy

This May another clinical residency for dentistry professionals of PerioCentrum Academy has been carried out at our clinic. During two complete days, Dr. Jose Franco has been with our clinical team directed by Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón to learn diverse surgical techniques and treatment of periodontal patients.

Residencia clínica para odontólogos de PerioCentrum Academy: el Dr. José Franco en BilbaoDoctor Jose Franco had already taken part in the clinical residencies programme for oral health professionals of PerioCentrum Academy. In fact, at the beginning of this year he carried out an intense program of clinical residences for dentists of long duration at the different clinics  of PerioCentrum. Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao was also among the clinics Dr. Jose Franco visited in January. Before that, doctor Jose Franco participated as a student in Periodontal Therapy (Surgical and Not Surgical) and Bone Regeneration in Implant Surgery courses.

We are delighted to see that Dr. Jose Franco has repeated his educational experience with us and he trusts PerioCentrum to complete his training as odontologist. For us, it was a real pleasure to have hik with us for two days.

Open program for dentists and hygienist

The program of PerioCentrum Academy’s clinical residences offers a personalized training for oral health professionals and guided at all time by specialists accredited in Periodontics and Implantology. The professionals who take part in our clinical residencies, have the opportunity to treat patients from an interdisciplinary point of view.

It is the applicants themselves who design their clinical made-to-measure residence to be present at the treatments they are more interested in. Both odontologists and hygienists can apply for a PerioCentrum Academy clinical residency. In case of being interested, you only have to call us at 91 827 53 06 or write us to

If it is not still clear, here you have Dr. Vicente Belvis talking about his experience with PerioCentrum Academy, who has carried out several clinical residencies in the diverse PerioCentrum clinics.

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