On holidays… and a little bit absent-minded!

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We go on holidays with the idea of disconnecting and we take this break so seriously that we even forget brushing our teeth! According to a research driven in Spain about the oral health, one in three citizens do not think about their oral hygiene on vacation.


The research shows alarming figures: 63% of Spaniards admit that when they are away from home do not take care of their hygiene habits. What is more, 21,7% claim that they never brush their teeth if they are not at home.

It seems the large majority of Spanish population is fully aware of the importance on dental health: 74% of people agree on the relevance of brushing the teeth after having lunch in a restaurant. However, when it comes to the moment of truth, only 65% of interviewed people take the habit.

On the other hand, there is no practice of brushing the teeth after snacking between meals and only 25% of Spaniards believe that it must be done. The survey, the very first in Spain about the health habits away from home, has been driven by the Spanish Dental Foundation (FDE), the General Board of Dentists from Spain and the Spanish Federation of Dental Hygienists with the support from Orbit®pro, a collaborative professional program.

After analyzing these data, we cannot give up on putting emphasis on prevention, as always, and during vacations, more than ever. We tend to relax that much on holidays that we do not even take care of the food we eat. Let’s enjoy the summer without forgetting our toothbrush!

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