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Doctors Alberto Ortiz-Vigón (clinical director, specialist in Periodontics and Implantology) and Erik Regidor (specialist in Periodontics and Implantology) have participated in the newly initiated course of Methodology of Investigation in Odontolgy of the Spanish Association of Periodontics and Osseointegration (known by its Spanish acronym SEPA). The course, which will last until April 2018, is geared towards odontologists, stomatologists and other professionals of the healthcare who want to extend their knowledge about procedures of investigation or to improve the processes of analysis – study.
Doctors Ortiz-Vigón and Regidor follow the steps of doctor Esperanza Gross, who already participated in the mentioned formative program the previous year. The principal objectives of the course are to catch up on methodology, to form new investigation teams and to improve in the processes of statistical analyses. Renowned professionals in the field of periodontics such as doctors Elena Figuero (director and teacher of the course), Juan Blanco, David Herrera, Mariano Sanz and Javier Sanz are the main teachers. Some other doctors will also take part in the practical part of the course: together with Elena Figuero and Javier Sanz, participants will have the chance to learn form the experience of Dr. Patricia Romero, Dr. Nagore Ambrosio, Dr. M ª Jose Marín, Dr. Bettina Alonso, Dr. Margarita Iniesta and Dr. Cristina Carral.

The participation in this course represents a source of information and learning for our doctors. In fact, Ortiz-Vigón Clinic, as a PerioCentrum clinic, develops numerous studies and investigation procedures. Besides collaborating with the world-class top group of investigation ETEP (Etiology and Therapy Periodontal Diseases), directed by Dr. Mariano Sanz in the Complutense University of Madrid, PerioCentrum clinics have their own line of investigation with PerioCentrum Research.
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