H2020 Maxibone European Project

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H2020 Maxibone European Project

Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón attended the calibration meeting for the H2020 Maxibone European Project of cellular therapy by means of medullary cultivation of cells for bone regeneration of human major defects. Dr. Ortiz-Vigón, Magíster in Periodontics and Implants by the Complutensian University of Madrid and associate professor of the Periodontics Master at UCM and as well as hired researcher in that university, participated in the meeting together with doctor Mariano Sanz, professor of Periodontics and director of the specialization porgram in Periodontics and Therapeutics of Implants at UCM.

Project framework: H2020 program

Horizon 2020 is a research and innovation program launched by the European Union (EU) which aims to be a generating project of advances, discoveries and novelties worldwide, moving the ideas arisen from the laboratories on day-to-day. It is a program supported by the European Union and members of the European Parliament.

Poyecto Europeo H2020 Maxibone - Dr. Ortiz-Vigón

The European instances think that “the investment for investigation and innovation is basic for Europe’s future, it has to be a key part of the European Strategy 2020 of intelligent, sustainable and of integration growth. Horizon 2020 contributes to the above mentioned goal uniting investigation and innovation and building together three priority areas: ‘Science excellence’, ‘Industrial leadership’ y ‘Society’s challenges’“. This way so, one of the principal goals of H2020 is to place the European Union as a principal agent of the scientific international action, trying to attract the greatest European talents and to promote the collaboration between them. The program Horizon 2020 (or H2020), aims to face the new scientific challenges related to health.

Dr. Ortiz-Vigón at the meeting

The meeting for the calibration of the odontologic project above mentioned in which Dr. Ortiz-Vigón and Dr. Sanz participated at the French city of Nantes. As we said before, it is a project of cellular therapy by means of medullary cultivation of cells for bone regeneration of major humano deffects. Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón participated in the event as a work package leader, presenting to the European Consortium and to the representatives of the European Commission the clinical protocol to develop the multicentral project that will be carried out from now until 2021. An exciting professional challenge for our clinical director and excellent news for the scientific community and society in general to stand investigation and development.

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