Digital dentistry, a reality in Ortiz-Vigón Clinic

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Digital transformation continues its unstoppable evolution, covering all areas of our daily life. The new (maybe not that new anymore) digital global context, poses new challenges and new opportunities too. Opportunities that improve organizations, processes, products and services, making them more accurate and therefore, of greater quality. Odontology is one of the fields which lives a greates convulsion due to digital transformation of the dental industry. Digital dentistry, or in other words, the application of current digital technology at instrumental level and at professional’s knowledge level, brings new methodologies of work which result in workflow optimization and fundamentally, the search of the maximum quality in the treatments we carry on with our patients. Definitively, a substantial boost to our patients’ health.

Cutting edge digital technology and trained professionals

At Ortiz-Vigón Clinic we strive for excellence and we are sure digital dentistry is the secure a faster, a more precise and a more comfortable service for our patients. We foresee the progressive technological transformation and we incorporated digital workflow long time ago. To the whole digital path that we have already pursued, we now add 3Shape company’s 3Shape Trios digital multifunctional scanner. Nevertheless, digital dentistry is not only about buying cutting edge technology, but also relying on qualified professionals with specific expertise to bring out the maximum performance to the above mentioned technology.

This way so, we have recently received at our dental clinic 3Shape company’s collaborators. The training provided the Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao personnel (odontologists, hygienists and assistants) the skills to integrate in their daily workflow the digital scanner. Our professionals acquired theoretical and practical lessons for the use of the new technology we have incorporated.[/vc_column_text][vc_gallery interval=”3″ images=”10029,10030,10031,10032,10033,10034,10035″ img_size=”800×600″][vc_column_text]

Thanks to this tool, our odontologists will be able: to scan in natural colors, to obtain instantaneous HD photos, detailed captures, automatic elimination of the unnecesary anatomical parts for the treatment and better scanning precision.

Benefits for patients

And how does all this technology benefit patients?

  • Greater comfort for the patients while scanning their mouth-
  • Greater speed in the process of scanning, and therefore, saving time at the dental clinic: the conventional process of scanning is not that easy because sometimes the professionals have to take several impressions for a precise result. With the digital scanner, the precision of the capture is immediate.
  • Precise treatments and 100% adapted: digital technology gives more and better information of our mouth, enabling a very personalized attention and a treatment absolutely adjusted to the needs of the patient.
  • High quality clinical results.

Benefits that we want for our patients and towards we work for everyday. We aim to offer individual attention, adapted treatments to the needs of every patient and maximum comfort. Comfort and welfare quality that, for sure, digital dentistry enables. here you have a video where doctor Lidia Zarzuela practises with colleague Idoia Ayllón:

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