Would you like a soft drink?

We are in the middle of August, a time of the year that usually invites to take a soft drink, with many ices… and a lot of sugar? It is true that soda is an option to fight hot, but it cannot be forgotten that the high sugar content is dangerous for our dental health.

Sugar in excess is one of our greatest enemies and it is also the major cause for caries, which affects a large majority of population. As we commented before, the quantity of sugar of these type of drinks is, in most cases, very high. We are not only talking about cola, orange or lemon flavored soft drinks, but also about fruit juices and milk shakes we usually drink at ease on sunny afternoons. If we consume them regularly, the risk of having caries rises exponentially.

Therefore, our first advice is to avoid as far as possible these beverages. The scientific community has already warned about the effects of these products and claimed to be marked with health text messages because in many cases, we do not even know what are we introducing to our bodies when we drink these products.  If we decide to take those beverages, it would be convenient to brush our teeth after drinking, as well as eating a sugar free chewing gum or drinking water. By undertaking those actions, we can at least remove a great amount of the bacteria that might cause caries if they remain inside our mouth.

On the other side, it is acknowledged that is hard to control our diet and the sugar we ingest during the summer. The summer routines, especially those ones we take away from home, have a direct impact on our dental health. We still have two weeks left to go back to school so let’s control the sugar we eat as much as we can.

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