Study for the early detection of diabetes. Come and participate!

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Odontology contributes to overall health

Oral health and overall health are two terms which mutual influence is more than demonstrated. Odontolgy can have a positive impact on prevention and improvement on the overall health status. If we focus on diabetes, a disease worringly spreaded in our society, according to United Nations “422 million adults were living with diabetes in 2014, compared to 108 million in 1980. The global prevalence of diabetes has nearly doubled since 1980”. In this context, the Spanish Society of Periodontics and Osseointegration (known as SEPA) has promoted a worldwide pioneering project for the early detection of diabetes in dental clinics, including Ortiz-Vigón Clinic.

Certificado DIABETRISK, estudio para la deteciión precoz de la diabetesDiabetRisk: early diagnosis of diabetes in dental clinics

The project is known as DiabetRisk, a pioneering study that evaluates the efficiency of a protocol to facilitate early detection of diabetes in dental clinics. Promoted by SEPA Foundation and with Sunstar Gum’s support, the study is directed by ETEP Group of Investigation of the Complutense University of Madrid. 48 are the Spanish dental centers that take part in one of the most innovative studies that has been carried out by European odontolgy in the last years. In view of our commitment with investigation and improvement of health of the whole society, we had to be part of the out-standing project.

What is the study about

The analyzed protocol consists of a test to estimate the risk of suffering diabetes, a rapid examination of periodontal health and a rapid test to detect the level of glucose in blood. The hypothesis is that, by combining them, the capacity of detection of people in risk of suffering diabetes but still do not know it, might increase. The first of the tests is a simple questionnaire with questions on nutrition, physical exercise, medical history, etc. The second one, corresponds to a basic clinical periodontal evaluation. And the third one, to the commonly known “finger prick” to detect the level glycosylated haemoglobin. After obtaining all this information, it will be decided whether to advice the primary care doctor of the patient, who will decide whether to carry out a diagnostic evaluation of the presence of diabetes or prediabetes.

According to SEPA, “the estimations on the theoretical benefits that might contribute to the follow-up of this protocol are very optimistic. If applying this protocol every dentist of Spain identifies one patient every year with diabetes who is not aware of his/her condition, the Spanish Odontolgy would contribute to the early diagnosis of diabetes in more than 30.000 people every year”. 

Would you like to participate?

There are the elegibility criteria to participate in the study:

Inlusion criteria: 

  • Patients aged 45 years or older.
  • To never have been diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes.

Exclusion criteria: 

  • Pregnant women.
  • To be immunosuppressed or under immunosupressant treatment.

We strongly encourage you to participate in the study. First of all, for the benefit of your own health and in the second place, to collaborate in improving the rpcedures at a social level. You only have to ask to our clinical staff. Thank you in advance!

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