PerioCentrum dental clinics working together

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Last friday took place in Madrid an intense internal training day in which different teams of all dental clinics of PerioCentrum participated.

PerioCentrum is an innovative project, newly-created but constantly growing. Specialized in Periodontology and Implantology, PerioCentrum clinics, including Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao, offer oral health services based on three pillars: scientific rigor, honesty with patients and excellence in results. Our patients’ health is above all other concerns y and in order to continue being at the forefront of patientservice, we know the importance of boosting a coordinated and cohesive project.

El trabajo en equipo es seña de identidad de las clínicas dentales PerioCentrum

Therefore, last friday 7th July, many colleagues of all PerioCentrum clinics had a meeting to participate in an intense internal training day, in which we could share knowledge, impressions and anecdotes of our daily routine. Doctors Erik Regidor and Jordi Navarro, our periodontal maintenance Idoia Ayllón and our administration responsible June González were our representatives of Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao.

It was a genuine pleasure to learn and to be part of this idea-sharing session about the work methodologies of our colleagues of  PerioCentrum Segovia, PerioCentrum Ávila, PerioCentrum Guadalajara, PerioCentrum San Sebastián and PerioCentrum Madrid. Exchangind ideas and knowledge make possible to offer maximum quality results and treatments to our patients.

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