Doctors Ortiz-Vigón and Regidor, new postgraduates

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Yesterday, we began the week with the terrific news about Dr. Esperanza Gross and today, we continue with some superb news about the activity of our team members. Doctors Ortiz-Vigón and Regidor (ITI Study Club Bilbao directors), have recently finished the Master in Statistics and Methodology of Investigation in Odontology of SEPA. Another educational proposal that enlarges our doctors’ resume.

Los doctores Ortiz-Vigón y Regidor finalizan el Máster de Metodología de la Investigación de SEPA

The master, is directed to those odontologists, stomatologists, postgraduate students and other health rpofessionals who want to be updated on basic skills on methodology of investigation, to form new investigation teams and to learn to carry out their own statistical analyses. The investigation is one of the principal activities in our doctors’ everyday activity. As a PerioCentrum clinic, we actively collaborate in numerous studies with world-class researchers.

The course finished last weekend at the holding of the fourth module focused on “Research funding. Studies’ design”. Previously, doctors Ortiz-Vigón and Regidor have studied other modules to learn basic tools of methodology of investigation, quantitative information and categorical information. Nevertheless, and as part of the educatinal proposal of the master, both doctors will end this academic year with the participation in the X SEPA Rsearch Classroom “Introduce the clinical research in your day-to-day” that will take place in Madrid, on the 16th and 17th of February.

Congratulations to both of you. 

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