II Dental Campus Congress: the registration period is open

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II Dental Campus Congress: an interactive-natured and critically-minded forum

Save this date: March 16, 2018. This is the chosen day to hold the second edition of Dental Campus Congress. Where? At the Odontologists’ College of Madrid (COEM). Nevertheless, the main new feature at this point of the planning is the registration period is open. Do not let it go, because Dental Campus Congress is not another congress more.

And why do we say it is not any other congress, that it is a different congress?

  • Because it is a multidisciplinary congress that was born in the frame of the new context of debate in social media and has been consummated as an offline forum of reference.
  • Because the nature of the program and the lectures emerges from the opinions and concerns shared by all members of Dental Campus online forum.
  • Because we gather together along just one day 19 professionals to exchange knowledge, which is the pillar of the philosophy of this congress.
  • Because the time to debate will be extraordinarily long, an interactive-natured and critically-minded debate.

Check out what was the first edition about:


Reduced rate if you register now

As we say, the program will gather together some twenty professionals, experts in their odontologic field, who besides exposing their vision and their experience, will also leverage a debate with the attendees to create a n enabling context for networking and learning. An exceptional meeting which differs from the many scientific events of today.

This way so, if you register before January 15 you will benefit from the 130€ reduced rate. From the mentioned date above and until the congress, the price of the inscription will be different. In addition, there is special rate for accredited students under 30 (50 available seats based upon rigorous order of inscription by writing to academy@periocentrum.com).

On the other hand, after the congress we will organize a social event to meet all to share impressions and to listen to good music. We will soon communicate more details. We are waiting for you!

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