Clinical trial of periimplantitis

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Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón, clinical director of Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao, has recently travelled to Sweden, more precisely to the city of Gothenburg. The reason for this trip was to attend the invitation of Sahlgrenska’s Academy’s periodontics department of the University of Gothenburg to be part of a clinical trial of periimplantitis.

It is a multicenter randomized clinical trial that will gather together prominent professionals in the field of periodontics from different nationalities. Furthermore, Adrián Guerrero (president of SEPA), Tord Berglundh (the director of the department), Jan Wennström, Jan Derks, Ingemar Abrahamsson, Cristiano Tomasi, Mauro Donati, Eriberto Bressan, Karolina Karlsson, Dennis Schaller and Jean-Pierre Albouy also joined this meeting.

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