Clinical residences for dentists

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Residencias clínicas para dentistas del Dr. Franco

The program of clinical internships for dentists remains in force also during 2018. During these days we had the presence of Dr. Jose Franco, who is currently undertaking an intense program of clinical residences of long duration for dentists in the different clinics of PerioCentrum, and Ortiz-Vigón Clinic of course, which is parte of the group.

As part of his clinical internship in Bilbao, doctor Franco has attended to surgeries, plans of interdisciplinary treatments, clinical protocols and clinical meetings together with the rest of the team, always with the support and the guide of our clinical director Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón. For two days, Dr. Franco was another member of the team, learning the methodology and the processes that we usually carry out.

Residencias clínicas para dentistas del Dr. FrancoThis one is not the first experience of Dr. Franco with PerioCentrum, since he participated in Periodontal Therapy (surgical and not surgical) and Bone Regeneration in Surgery of Implants courses. A real pleasure to have the confidence of other oclleagues interested in getting close to our methodology.

Made-to-measure clinical internships

Through our clinical residency programme you will learn to treat patients from an interdisciplinary viewpoint: from the basics of Periodontics and Implantology, in a personalised manner in a specialist clinic.

Interns may acquire the knowledge necessary for periodontal treatment, fitting implants, and restoring these, or updating their knowledge on the latest scientific and technological developments. More information: call us to 91 827 53 06 or wirte us to

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