Care quality arisen from management

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Target: maximum care quality for our patients

As we have already mentioned, our team members’ educational training is constant and diverse. Our background and updated training, extends to all areas that make the day-to-day running of our clinic possible. Sometimes it is not enough create a great team of specialists, to count with magnificent facilities or to be at the forefront in technology. The coordination of all these elements defines how a clinic functions. An ideal management makes the difference because it leads to care quality. And in Ortiz-Vigón Clinic, we want to be the best in care quality with the patients.


Calidad asistencial desde la gestión en el Diploma Dirección Clínica y Gestión OdontológicaManagement is a key point

For all this, our colleague June Gonzalez, person in charge of Administration and HR, is focused to obtain the Diploma of Clinical Direction and Odontologic Management. This program is a formative proposal of Dental Doctors and it was born beacuse of the needs of modern odontology. As the organization explains: “a good clinical practice is the pillar of the odontologic profession and its constant innovation and development does not have to stop”. The director of the program is Dr. Primitivo Roig, director of Dental Doctors and teacher in Lecturer’s position in the Harvard School of Dental Medicine (USA).

In spite of the intense and demanding programming of the course, we are sure June, with more than 15 years of experience, will fully overcome the formative process. Thanks to Dental Doctors for sharing some photos:

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