Bone Regeneration in Implant Surgery

The new brand training classroom of PerioCentrum Academy

The year is coming to an end, as well as PerioCentrum Academy’s formative proposals for this year 2017. This weekend was held in PerioCentrum Madrid’s facilities the course Bone Regeneration in Implant Surgery. Three days of intense theoretical and practical activity, with the assistants’ quota to the maximum and in addition, we lived the opening of the new training classroom. This change is essential to improve PerioCentrum Academy’s formative processes.

Regeneración Ósea en Cirugía de Implantes

The course was carried out from Thursday until Saturday. Doctors Alberto Ortiz-Vigón (Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao), Iñaki Suárez (PerioCentrum San Sebastián and Bilbao), Alfonso Oteo (PerioCentrum Segovia), Daniel Rodrigo (PerioCentrum Guadalajara), Fabio Vignoletti (PerioCentrum Madrid and Verona) and Ramon Lorenzo Vignau (PerioCentrum Ávila and Madrid) were the teachers. On the other hand, the course was possible thanks to our collaborator Bonfanti & Gris Set Instrumental, who yielded the whole set of instruments needed to complete the course.

Lectures, practical lessons and live surgery

Regeneración Ósea en Cirugía de ImplantesThe first day of the course, which was carried out on Thursday, focused on the lectures of our specialists about topics such as preservation of the alveolus, biological principles, biomaterials and horizontal defects to the bone regeneration. On the other hand, on Friday the assistants put into practice the theoretical knowledge of the above mentioned presentations proceeding to the preservation of the alveolus, horizontal regeneration in jaw of pork, vertical regeneration in jaw of pork and in models of silicone of Bone Models.

To finish the course, part of the program was programmed to analyze the clinical cases attendees wanted to bring up. After these presentations, a live surgery directed by Dr. Ortiz-Vigón took place. Our medical director was assisted by doctors Suárez and Rodrigo, while Dr. Oteo answered the questions of the students in the classroom who were watching the live surgery.

A surgery carried out with resources of maximum quality

Regeneración Ósea en Cirugía de ImplantesDuring the surgery Dr. Ortiz-Vigón proceeded to the extraction of blood to use BTI Biotechnolgy Institute‘s system to improve the result of the regeneration with the own plasma of the patient. The painless anesthesia was aplied by using Inibsa Dental‘s Wand STA’s system. On the other hand, the implant used during the surgery  was of Nobel Biocare. In addition, the scraper of bone was Safescraper of Salugraft Dental for mixing with biomaterials and a Creos membrane of Nobel Biocare was placed.

After that, Dr. Ortiz-Vigón proceeded to mix Inibsa Dental’s xenograft with the autologous bone recovered with the scraper Safescarper of Dental Salugraft and the plasma obtained with the system of BTI Biotechnology Institute. Finally, with the zone to be regenerated prepared, the doctor fixed to lingual with thumbtacks with the Smartact system of Dental Salugraft, placed the membrane PRGF of BTI’s Biotechnology Institute and sutured with Glycolon suture of Inibsa Dental

Save these dates

The seventh edition of this course will be carried out on May 10, 11 and 12, 2018. Have a look at our program for all the courses in 2018 and remember that December 1st it will be carried out at Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao the 4th Module of  ITI Study Club of the year with Dr. Ignacio Charlen.

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