Welcome Dr. Jordi Navarro!


At Ortiz-Vigón Clinic we distinguish from the rest for counting on professionals at the forefront of tehir speciality, always with the aim of offering the best personal and professional attention to the patients who trust us. We are aware that many of you already know people fork our team but our group does not stop growing. This is the reason we are pleased to announce  one of the last incorporations to the team: Dr. Jordi Navarro.


Jordi Navarro began working with us  nearly three months ago after another job experiences in several dental clinics from Madrid. Nowadays, he works as a periodontics specialist in our clinic. Anyway, Navarro studied Odontology at San Pabalo CEU Univeristy of Madrid and at the present time, he is carrying out a Postgraduate Degree on Oral Impantology and Microsurgery at University of the Basque Country. Thus, Navarro combines higher education with his job.

Further education

Besides the above mentioned high studies, Dr. Navarro has attended and taken part in numerous courses related to the dental sector. To name a few: ITI Study Club on the Decision-making in Implantology in the Previous Sector by the University of the Basque Country, intensive theoretical – practical Course of Guided Bone Regeneration in Implants and intensive theoretical – practical Course of Not Surgical Periodontal Therapy at Periocentrum Academy of Madrid, assistance to diverse conferences and varied courses, training about Management and Marketing in the Dental Clinic, etc. In addition, he manages reflex camera related to dental photography.

Dr. Navarro is, therefore, an experienced young professional who continues learning day by day to be able to continue enlarging his professional capacities in order to offer a maximum quality work with the patients. So… we are delighted with our new colleague Jordi Navarro! Welcome to the team!

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