The academic year has begun

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Periocentrum Academy 2017’s academic year has begun!

Ortiz-Vigón Clinic and PerioCentrum Bilbao’s team does not stop its learning activity. On this occasion, doctors Alberto Ortiz-Vigón and Jordi Navarro have participated in the Not-Surgical Periodontal Therapy course as a teacher and as a attendee respectively. The course was held in Madrid and celebrated during the 10th and 11th of February.


February 10th was the beginning of  Periocentrum Academy 2017 academic year. Periocentrum Avila’s and Periocentrum Madrid’s Ramon Lorenzo Vignau and Maria Minguez doctors managed the course’s inauguration. The following day, Alfonso Oteo Perez and Estefanía Laguna doctors form Periocentrum Segovia, together with Dr. Mercedes Lopez-Durán took over their places as teachers. This is the first edition of this course, which is connected to Surgical Periodontal Therapy that will be held next March 31 and April 1, also in Madrid. This way so, it satisfies us to confirm that Periocentrum does not stop growing, reinforcing its commitment and bet for the formation. A growth that comes out in a natural way, due to the success of our previous academic experiences and the high-demand.

Would you like to know more about Periocentrum Academy? Have a look on our complete educational offer.

Here you have some photos about the first edition of Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy course:

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