PerioCentrum’s training courses keep going

Professional education, together with clinical activity and investigation, represents one of the three main key pillars of PerioCentrum. Though the formative year of PerioCentrum Academy began a few weeks ago, during the first weekend of March the fourth edition of the theoretical – practical course about Bone Regeneration in Implant Surgery has taken place in Madrid.

PerioCentrum’s academic activity is based on scientific evidence. The training courses are designed so the assistants learn exactly what they need. For this purpose, PerioCentrum Academy has a team of experts with more than a decade of experience in periodontics and implants training. During the Bone Regeneration in Implant Surgery course, almost the entire team of doctors who lead the several PerioCentrum clinics have participated as teachers.

Three intense days

The course has been carried out in three days, from Thursday until Saturday. The students took part in 3 intense days of training on the specific use of the most updated technologies of reconstruction of the hard tissues used nowadays in the clinical practice. Doctors Alfonso Oteo Perez from PerioCentrum Segovia, Daniel Rodrigo from PerioCentrum Guadalajara and Fabio Vignoletti from Periocentrum Madrid and Verona inaugurated the sessions on 2nd March.

The second day, celebrated on Friday, was focused on the practical aspect. Ramon Lorenzo Vignau from Periocentrum Avila and Madrid, Alfonso Oteo Perez from PerioCentrum Segovia, Daniel Rodrigo from PerioCentrum Guadalajara, Fabio Vignoletti from PerioCentrum Verona and Madrid, and Alberto Ortiz-Vigón from PerioCentrum Bilbao were the teachers. The students had the chance to put into practice what they had previously learned with animal models and the constant supervision of our experts.

To close this educational cycle, the last day of the fourth edition of Guided Bone Regeneration gave the opportunity to watch a live surgery carried out by Dr. Ramon Lorenzo Vignau from Periocentrum Avila and Madrid. Three days based on the experience of PerioCentrum’s team members, have given importance not only to the theory but to the practical aspect. On the other hand, special mention to our collaborators Bonfanti&Gris Instrumental, Nobel Biocare and Dentsply Sirona.

Next edition

PerioCentrum Academy’s educational courses are usually limited to 15 people so the teachers can provide an individualized teaching to the students to allow them learn what they need. The productive utilisation of thetime is a priority of PerioCentrum’s training courses.

Therefore, all those interested will have a new opportunity in November during the 16th, 17 and 18 to assist to the fifth edition of Bonye Regeneration in Implants Surgery. Would you like to know more about PerioCentrum’s complete educational offer? Check it out here.

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