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Study Club 2017 has initiated its program with the celebration of the first one of several modules which will be developed during the year. Study Club consists of diverse meetings that are celebrated during the natural year, and the first one has taken place at Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao under the direction of doctors Alberto Ortiz-Vigón and Erik Regidor. The first module has been focused on Complex Rehabilitations on Implants with Dr. Victoria Sanchez D’Onofrio as the lecturer. Sanchez D’Onofrio has a Degree in Odontolgy by the European University of Madrid and coursed a Postgraduate in Implantoprotesis for the Complutensian University of Madrid, as well as a Master in Oral Implantology: surgery, periodontics and prothesis by th International University of Catalonia. In addition to her clinical labor, Dr. Sanchez D’Onofrio is a renowned national and international lecturer, who obtained a recognition to the best oral clinical communication of SEPA in 2013.

About 25 people have been present at the first above mentioned module of the Study Club 2017 that has taken place in Clinic Ortiz-Vigón – PerioCentrum Bilbao. Doctors, people in charge of periodontal maintenance and auxiliars have completed the successful session. Nevertheless, the groups are usually reduced to promote the interaction between all the assistants and the lecturer. Other modules will complete Study Club’s annual program.
- Update in Periimplantitis. Not surgical and surgical treatment by Dr. Antonio Liñares, October 20.
- Hands On about provisional implants by Dr. Ignacio Charlen, November 24.
Here you have some pictures of the first session:
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