Ongoing educational sessions

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Learning from the best: course at Dentists’ College conducted by Dr. David Herrera

As we said in advance some days ago, these days hav eproven to be quite intense for Ortiz-Vigón ClinicPerioCentrum Bilbao members. During the last days, educational training has had a strong pressence for our professionals, who do not cease in the effort of keeping their knowledege up-to-date and as a consequence, offer the best possible treatment to all the patients who have dediced to trust us.

In this context, some members of our team joined “Periodontal disease’s prevention and treatment updating: rational use of antimicrobial agents” named course, which was held at Biscay’s Dentists’ College. Conducted by Dr. David Herrera, Vicedean of the Odontology Faculty of Complutense University of Madrid and former president of SEPA, and coordinated by our clinical director Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón, the participants could experience, at first hand, the progress in the field of periodontal disease’s prevention and treatment. Among the participant were our colleagues Mª Carmen Blanco, Judit Díaz, Idoia Ayllón, Eva González, Mónica González and Dr. Jordi Navarro.

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First part of Soft Tissues Management of PerioCentrum Academy

PerioCentrum professionals do not only attend many different educational sessions, but as periodontics and implantology specialists they do also dedicate their time for teaching other colleagues. One of the three main key pillars of our group is education, so PerioCentrum has developed PerioCentrum Academy in order to offer an eductaional training program for people who work in the field of odontology and want to deepen into the specific aspects of periodontics and implants therapy.

This weekend, PerioCentrum Academy has taken its activity up by carrying out the first part of the course “Soft Tissue’s Management”, whose main goal is to educate the participants in the specific usage of the most updated and used mucogingival techniques in clinical practice. We are very happy to announce that, once more, the course was very succesful due to the completed capacity.

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However, Soft Tissues Management course has not ended yet. Next 30th June and 1st July, the second part of the program will be carried out. Click here if you want more information about this second module and the complete training program of PerioCentrum.

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