European Periodontics Day

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Periodontics is defined as “the dental specialty which studies prevention, diagnostic and treatment of the diseases and conditions that affect periodontium, with the aim of teeth’s health, functionality and appearance maintenance”.

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In some instances, this specialty’s definition itself is complex for people not related to the Odontology field. Taking this into consideration, we want to celebrate the European periodontics day with a short interview with Dr. Erik Regidor, a specialist in periodontics and implantology.

What is Periodontium?

Periodontium is the group of tissues around a tooth, which provides support so the tooth can carry out its different functions.

How are the periodontal diseases produced?

Periodontal disease is a genetic kind of disease, which is firstly developed producing an inflammation on gums that has been previously originated by bacteria. If it progresses, it will affect support tissues, finally causing their own destruction.

Which are the periodontal diseases?

There are two types. On the one hand, we can find gingivitis, which is a gums’ inflammation. On the other hand, there is periodontitis, which comes out when the support bone shows signs of destruction together with gingival swelling.

How are they detected?

Inflammation, reddening and gum-bleeding are the symptoms the patient himself/herself can detect. We, professionals, will identify the periodontal disease after carrying out a check with a specific periodontal catheterization. If symptomatology exists, we will proceed with some radiographic series.

How can we prevent them?

The susceptibility to suffer from this disease is cannot be prevented. However, we can foresee its development with an exquisite oral hygiene, avoiding bad habits like smoking and regularly attending the periodical revisions and periodontal maintenances with the frequency the doctor determines.

Click here if you are looking for more information about the periodontal treatments that are carried out at Ortiz-Vigón Clinic.

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