Education, an essential part of Periocentrum

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Experimented professionals and interdisciplinary activities rule Periocentrum’s clinic everyday activity, specialized in periodontology and implantology. Knowledge transmission is considered a relevant factor in both medical and clinical fields and that is the reason of understanding complementary education as one of Periocentrum’s key pillars.


Tailored intensive professional training

Many professionals cannot spend a long period studying the diverse fields of their sector. Periocentrum was born with the aim of offering qualitative intensive education for professionals with different levels of experience. In fact, there is a need of acquiring knowledge in periodontal treatment, mucogingival surgery and the use of bone regeneration technics.

On the other side, the courses given by Periocentrum professionals adapt to time, technic and concepts of those interested.

Formacion Periocentrum


Along with an important theoretical basis, Periocentrum’s education is based on scientific evidence which comes from the trajectory of a group of professionals with more than 10 years of experience in periodontology and implantology. Thus, practice represents a fundamental area of our training. Besides live surgery, in Periocentrum can be found an important practical area based on animal and silicon models.

However, the aspects pointed out by the assistants are teaching quality, proximity, accuracy when it comes to explain how to work at clinical environment and continuous interaction with instructors.

Would you like to know what do the assistants think about our formative courses? Click here and find out for yourself.

Visit also our Periocentrum website for inscriptions.

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