On the cover of the prestigious scientific journal Clinical Oral Implants Research

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Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón, clinical director of Clinic Ortiz-Vigón – PerioCentrum Bilbao, has had its efforts acknowledged by his investigate labor. The prestigious scientific international magazine Clinical Oral Implants Research published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. has selected one of the publications of Dr. Ortiz-Vigón’s doctoral thesis to be featured on the front cover.

The above mentioned magazine publisher was founded in 1807 in the United States and at present it is known by the publication of scientific material and technical information. Wiley develops solutions of digital education, learning, evaluation and certification to help universities, companies and persons to move between the education and the employment. They support investigators whose discoveries can mark the difference. In fact, Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón obtained in July 2017 the Summa Cum Laude qualification for the defense of his doctoral thesis, the highest possible qualification.

Congratulations doctor!

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