Clinical residency: Three-dimensional Bone Reconstruction

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PerioCentrum Academy’s training program goes on and this time, Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – Periocentrum Bilbao has hosted another clinical residency day.  Geared towards learning the Three-dimensional Bone Reconstruction technique and lead by Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón together with some other clinic’s colleagues, the residency turned out to be an intense and successful day. The participants have been able to watch a live surgery as well as the theorical explanation of the case.

Our program diferentiates us from the rest due to its adaptability. The day after being trained, the participants are able to put into practice what they have learned because in our trainings we are focused on explaining how it is done instead of just telling how could it be done. PerioCentrum offers three types of continuous training:

  • Clinical Residencies for Odontologists: they can take up to half a day, an entire day or even three consecutive days.
  • Clinical Residencies for Hygienists: in order to learn how PerioCentrum hygienists work.
  • Long Stay Residencies: in case a complete residency program is needed, PerioCentrum elaborates a made-to-measure program. This way, those interested can learn different types of tecniques and how our different clinics work.

Do not hesitate to check our complete program and contact us for further information at: or 91 827 53 06.

Below some pictures from today:

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