Total success. Thank you!

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II Dental Campus congress: a total success

As you probably know, last March 16 was an important day for the raising project PerioCentrum is becoming to. Important because this it was the chosen day to celebrate the II Dental Campus Congress, an event for odontology that was born from the debate created in social media and for the second year, has managed to make possible the intense debate to jump into reality with an extraordinary convening power. We can say, that it was a total success with the assistance of more than 200 participants. The event, held at the headquarters of the Official College of Odontologists and Stomatologists of the 1st Region, obtained a full seating capacity.

Éxito total de Dental CampusDiscussion and critical thinking

An event for odontology professionals, different in many aspects. The origin of the program, its unusual long time to discuss, its interactive nature and its critical thinking. A congress thta brought together to almost twenty speakers and moderators. Francisco TeixeiraJesús IsidroCarlos MasJavier FábregaLeticia SalaRamón Lorenzo Vignau, Alberto Salgado, Ernest Lucas TauléFabio Vignoletti and Pablo Galindo were the speakers. On the moderators side, Carlos Parra, Salvador Gallardo, Eduardo Vazquez, Armando BadetGustavo Cabello, Eugenio Mª Cordero, Alfonso OteoAlberto Ortiz-Vigón (Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao’s clinical director) and Daniel Rodrigo. And in front of them, tens of odontology passionates who intensified eveary and each debate proposal:

  • Controversies in the digital flow in odontology. Present and future.
  • Controversies in ATM, occlusion, and oral rehabilitation.
  • Is it possible to obtain a low level risk complex periimplantary? Aesthetic and biological factors.
  • Corticotomies. A new concept that opens new possibilities.
  • Complications and solutions in the approaching of the maxillar sinus.
  • Autotransplants. Possibilities and limitations.
  • Periimplantitis: Two approaches of the same problem.

To highlight, besides the constant enriching exchange of impressions, the good atmosphere between all colleagues, the warmth and the nearness of all the participants. Each and every of them where crucial to make Dental Campus Congress a total success event at both quantitative and qualitative level.

Together with Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón, doctors Esperanza Gross, Jordi Navarro, Silvia Martín, Lidia Zarzuela and Erik Regidor represented Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao.

Éxito total de Dental Campus

PerioCentrum Academy Grant

During the event, PerioCentrum Academy granted one fellowship valued 800€ to Dr. Cristina Marijuán. The grant offers the possibility to attend one of the PerioCentrum courses. Dr. Marijuán attended PerioCentrum’s Periodontal Therapy and Soft-Tissue Management courses in the past.

Éxito total de Dental Campus

Nevertheless, we woould like to underline again our gratitude to all the participants for making Dental Campus a magnificent congress. And special mention to the collaborators: Salugraft Dental, Icnodent Technologies, Inibsa Dental, 3Shape, Straumann and Sunstar Gum. Thank you all!

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