We will be present at the important joint Congress EAO-SEPES

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Congress EAO-SEPES: a highlighted meeting

Clínica Ortiz-Vigón - PerioCentrum Bilbao presente en el Congreso EAO-SEPESThis week is to be held in Madrid the joiunt Congreess EAO-SEPES. The meeting, which will begin October 5 and will end October 7, is jointly organized by the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO) and Sociedad Española de Prótesis Estomatológica y Estética (SEPES). Besides celebrating the 26th EAO Annual Scientific Meeting and the 47th Congreso Anual de SEPES, it will also be held the joint sympsosium of Sociedad Española de Periodoncia y Osteointegración (SEPA) and EAO. It can be said, therefore, Congress EAO-SEPES is one the greatest international events in the field of odontology and inevitably, Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao will be present in a very active way.

Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao’s active participation

The scientific committees of the EAO, SEPES and SEPA have prepared an exciting programme focusing on the main topic: “Twenty-five years of Implant Dentistry. What have we learned?”. Not only that, our doctors’ participation will be reflected in a very active way.

On the one hand, Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón is giving a lecture on October 6 about “Flap design based on peri-implant defect characteristics”, which is part of the scientific program.



congreso-eao-sepes-erik-regidor-1However, the previous day (October 5, Thursday), Dr. Erik Regidor will carry out a presentation titled “Influencia de la altura del pilar protésico en los parámetros clínicos peri-implantarios. Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo observacional transversal” in the form of oral communication. On the other hand, doctors Jordi Navarro and Mariana González-Axpe will also make their respective presentations: el Dr. Navarro will present a poster named “Necesidad de biomaterial en elevación de seno transcrestal”  and Dr. González-Axpe’s presentation will be “Rehabilitación mínimamente invasiva de agenesias en paciente en etapa de desarrollo”. Dr. Lidia Zarzuela is also attending the congress.

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