We will participate in the International Education Week at Tokyo

A unique training framework

Clínica Ortiz-Vigón en International Education Week

This week begins in Tokyo the VI International Education Week, an initiative promoted by Straumann which will gather together national and international experts to address several topics related to odontology, and particularly, to periodontics and implantology. Dr. Carmen Carnicero, Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón and Dr. Ramón Ortiz-Vigón are attending the meeting together with Dr. Alfonso Oteo (PerioCentrum Segovia) and Fabio Vignoletti (PerioCentrum Madrid and Verona). The reunion will last until Saturday 21st October and therefore, it will show the working methodologies and mentality of a country widely known ofr its combination between tradition and an innovation. An extraordinary place to celebrate the International Education Week and promote networking, that will give more knowledge to our doctors for sure.

Scientific program

The scientific program will take place at Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry and it will gather together great specialists such as Professor Chie Yanai, Dr. Yuji Kokubo, Dr. Keizo Miyoshi, Professor Juan Blanco and Dr. Luis Cuadrado. For example, digitalization and technologic development applied to odontology are some of the topics that will be addressed.

Clínica Ortiz-Vigón en International Education Week

The university is located in the center of Tokyo and more than 800 students and 450 lecturers make it possible. Regarding organization, the university has a close relationship with its affiliate hospital. Moreover, it collaborates with many international universities. It is also to underline its strong commitment to investigation.

There is no doubt the International Education Week will be very valuable to the doctors of Ortiz-Vigón Clinic and PerioCentrum, due to the chance of learning from a country and professionals with different vision and methodologies not only in the field of odontology, but at all levels.

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