Ortiz-Vigón Clinic, at PesMes Awards

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PesMes Awards

Clínica Ortiz-Vigón, candidata a Premios PesmesThe communication is an aspect of our daily work we try to take care closely. After all, we communicate with everything, starting with how the clinic looks, through to material resources we display and ending with the information posted on the website and social networks. We know we still have a lot to improve, but we are happy for being one of the candidate projects for PesMes Awards (Marketing Master Awards), organized by the Graduates’ Association of the Master in Marketing and Business management of the UPV/EHU with the support of the Institute of Economy Applied to the Company, UPV/EHU studies as well.


Our candidature

These awards, held every two years, try to recognize, to stimulate and to spread publicly the work that professionals, brands, companies and other organizations of all kinds and size develop in the field of marketing in its more wide sense. The juror granted in three categories: “Complete Action” for a global project of marketing and communication, “Specific Action” for projects that presented more concrete actions and “MicroSME” for the communicative labor of companies of less than 10 of workers.

Clínica Ortiz-Vigón, candidata a Premios PesmesOur candidature, classified in “Specific action” category, was focused on placing value on corporate identity’s redesign and modernization as well as on the communicative actions that emphasize the #ThinkingPerio philosophy, which is characterized by a meticulous care of rigor, honesty and excellence. A vision which has implied a complete transformation with respect to visual area and communication in our clinic.

Altogether, there were 14 candidate entities with a total of 23 projects. Though we did not obtain any award, it was a pleasure to be present at the award-giving ceremony and to learn new ways of communication which should help us to get closer to our patients and to the professionals with whom we collaborate. Congratulations to the winners!

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