A decalogue for your oral health on Christmas

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Your dental health: it is easy to take care of it with a few basic tips

Almost imperceptibly, we are again approaching the end of another year. Lights of the cities, special promotions, crowded shopping areas… the Christmas campaign began a few days ago. Some will organize grand celebrations, others will choose more reserved reunions. But most of us will (if we’re not already :roll:) be caught up in a maelstrom meetings, lunchs and dinners. Celebrations that will alter our habits and will reverberate in our well-being. Our dental health on Christmas also will be altered by those changes. We want you to enjoy this time of the year. And, especially, we want you to enjoy Christmas time, either in Bilbao or elsewhere in the world, taking care of your oral health:


In Bilbao or anywhere else, to keep in mind:

  1. Dessert: unlike soft nougats or those of chocolate, hard nougat contains less sugar. Hard nougat mainly contains almond, honey, egg white and a low percentage of sugar. If we are going to eat chocolate, better if it is black. It has less sugar as well as antioxidant properties and cardioprotective properties.
  2. Hard food: we recommend hard nougat for dessert … but do not use your teeth to split it off! If we do this, we roll the dice of damaging them seriously. The same thing happens with shellfish. What about using the cooking utensils?Cuida tu salud dental en Navidad: no partir marisco con los dientes
  3. Drinks with sugar: to consume in excess sugary drinks can damage our enamel. In addition, it is demonstrated sugar has direct relation with the appearance of caries. Nevertheless, take care of “sugar free” or light drinks, they contain fructose or glucose, which could aslo damage our dental health.
  4. Alcohol and carbonated drinks: it is better to drink red wine instead of white wine or champagne. Red wine causes less damage to teeth. As for the carbonated beverages, it is preferable to consume them moderately because they also contain very acid components that damage our enamel.
  5. Little olive oil: we are not going to ask you that your principal plate on Christmas reunions to be a salad. Nevertheless, it would be great if in between holidays we include salads with olive oil in our menu. It will protect us against tooth wear and caries. It has been demonstrated this type of oil generates a protective invisible film on the teeth.
  6. Sweets: special attention with the increase of the consumption of sweet and sticky candy. It could cause inflammation of gums or to remain lodged in the orthodontics.
  7. Take care of sudden temperature changes: from broth to champagne… the contrasts of temperature in the food provoke sensibility increseament.
    Cuida tu salud dental en Navidad: limitar bebidas con alcohol
  8. Balance excesses with other foods: calcium (milk, yoghurts, cheeses), fluorine (salmon, sardines, cod), proteins and A, C and K help reinforce teeth.
  9. Sugar free chewing gum: especially after eating, to stimulate the production of saliva. Saliva has a protective effect on teeth, because it neutralizes the acidity of the food.
  10. Size is no longer an excuse: even if our habitual brush can be uncomfortable to put it inside the bag or the pocket due to its length, there are smaller brushes, often used when we travel, that we can take with us these days if we plann to spend many hours away form home.


In the end, to take care of our health is a matter of balance and common sense. If in spite of our decalogue of dental health on Christmas any problem appears, do not hesitate to contact Ortiz-Vigón Clinic. How? As for an online appointment or call us to +34 944 158 902. Happy Christmas!

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