Course on Oral Medicine, a new day of training

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Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao’s members had a new educational appointment yesterday. Doctors Alberto Ortiz-Vigón, Erik Regidor and Lidia Zarzuela, together with Idoia Ayllón, Eva González and María Castillo, visited the NH Villa de Bilbao Hotel’s the meeting room where the course on oral pathology and oral medicine was held. The training session was organized by ISDIN and placed value on prevention and early diagnosis about this type of pathologies which are of crucial importance and sometimes, vital for patient’s survival too.

Nuestro equipo en el curso de Medicina Bucal

Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao had the chance of listening and learning from a great specialist like Dr. José Manuel Aguirre Urizar, whose trajectory has made him an expert on oral pathologies. Thus, Dr. Aguirre is Doctor in Medicine and Surgery at University of the Basque Country with Extraordinary Mention, Medical Specialist in Anatomic Pathology, Medical Specialist in Stomatology, Professor of Stomatology of the University of the Basque Country, Chairman of Basque Country’s Advisory Comission of Oral Health and Medal of Honor of the Spanish Society of Oral Medicine, among many other recognitions. Dr. Aguirre focused part of his speech on medical history, complete exploration, biopsy, right treatment and oral medical pathology’s tracking.

El Dr. Aguirre en el curso de Medicina Bucal

With no doubt, a very enriching training day for PerioCentrum’s professionals that clearly expresses the importance this project gives to the ongoing updating of specialized knowledge of our clinic’s working staff. Besides developing our own training program, PerioCentrum considers very important to keep in touch with the different external professional initiatives that are carried out.

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