Regenerative periodontal therapy

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International Team for Implantology‘s (ITI) Study Club Bilbao have already started. Promoted and supported by ITI (a global association of professionals in implant dentistry. The objectives of the ITI are the promotion and dissemination of knowledge about implant dentistry and related fields), Study Clubs are educational meetings to be updated on odontologic innovations, to promote debate about clinical cases and to create networking. Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao is the odontology center responsible for organizing the different meetings of Study Club in Bilbao. The first session of 2018, Regenerative Periodontal Therapy. Teeth VS Implants. Theory & Live Surgery, had high acceptance and it was a total success in terms of surgery.

Real case: regenerative periodontal therapy

Under the direction of doctors Alberto Ortiz-Vigón and Erik Regidor, ITI’s first session of Study Club Bilbao began with a live surgery for the assistants, led by Dr. Ortiz-Vigón, specialist in Periodontic and Implant Dentistry.


The regenerative periodontal therapy (or surgery), was performed on a patient who came to our clinic to his annual check and was diagnosed with an angular periodontal defect on distal side 42. At probing, the patient showed a pathologic probing of 13mm, which was reduced to 10mm and 2 of recession after conducting basic periodontal therapy.

The procedure involved the treatment of defect’s intraosseus component by regenerative periodontal surgery  by using enamel matrix proteins. Moreover, a xenograft was necessary to bring stability to the clot and to prevent soft-tissues form collpasing due to the defet’s angle.

With regard to the technique, an apical access was used instead of papilla preservation technique because we were treating an esthetic zone and it enabled better decontamination of the defect as well as removing well the granulation tissue.


During the intervention, Dr. Ortiz-Vigón explained to the attendees the development of the surgery, the pertinent procedures and differente kind of notes about his own methodology to carry out the regenerative periodontal therapy. Meanwhile, the attendees, standing in a adjacent room to the surgery room, were exchanging their impressions about the development of the surgery.

After a short coffe break, the session resumed to approach the theoretical perspective of the regenerative periodontal therapy. This time, Dr. Erik Regidor took the baton of the meeting, presenting several real cases and opening the debate to the participants. Definitively, a dynamic day of odotnology in which the debate was constant and constructive thanks to the participation of all the professionals who came by. After all, ITI’s Study Club usually gather together a score of dentistry professionals so the meetings’ quality level is measured in terms of active participation and networking.

We would like to thank all the colleagues who came to Study Club’s first session last April 6. Thank you for being so participative and your enriching opinions. We would like to make a particular reference to doctor Raquel Loras, odontologist and coordinator of the Valencian dental clinic CES Dental, who joined us to complete her PerioCentrum Academy’s clinical residency and participated in the afternoon in the Study Club too.

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Upcoming session: April 27

We would like to remind you that there are only few days left until the second ITI’s Study Club begins. It will be held next April 27, Friday, from 15:00 to 20:00. This time our lecturer will be doctor and professor Francisco Martínez Rus, Doctor in Odontology for the Complutensian University of Madrid (UCM) and Master in Orofacial Prothesis by the UCM. Restoration of endodontically treated tooth with poor prognosis is the matter subject of the next meeting. Write us to

Study Club Bilbao: Módulo 2[/vc_column_text][easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,twitter,google,linkedin,print,mail,whatsapp” style=”icon”][stm_post_comments][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][stm_sidebar sidebar=”812″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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