New dates for the training courses for professionals

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We find ourselves plunged into a vacation and rest period. However, this is a time of the year to think about new challenges and to plan activities towards a new course. In PerioCentrum, the innovative and unique project in which Ortiz-Vigón Clinic is involved, we have taken the initiative with the coming school year calendar and we have already scheduled the new dates and programs of the training courses for professionals that will be developed during 2018.

Curso Manejo Tejidos Blandos

Looking ahead to the next year, the training proposal will not change its basic concepts: made-to-measure training, intensive training and and reduced seating capacity, with a maximum of 15 students and keeping one teacher for every 3-participant ratio. The courses will be mainly held in Madrid and for the time being, these are the scheduled courses: Bone Regeneration in Implant Surgery, Soft-tissue Management, Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy and Surgical Periodontal Therapy.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Bone Regeneration in Implant Surgery:.

Date for the 7th edition: 10th, 11th and 12th May 2018

More information about the course (Spanish)

Soft-tissue Management:

Date for the 11th edition:

1st Unit: 1th and 2th June 2018

2nd Unit: 6th June and 7th July 2018

More information about the course (Spanish)

Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy:

Date for the 2nd edition: 9th and 10th July 2018

More information about the course (Spanish)

Surgical Periodontal Therapy: 

Date for the 2nd edition: 22nd, 23rd and 24th March 2018

More information about the course (Spanish)[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

To book a place or to obtain information about any doubt may occur, do not hesitate to write to or to call us (91 827 53 06).

On the other hand, we are very happy to announce the 6th edition that will be held in November of this year of Bone Regeneration in Implant Surgery has proved to be a success due to the full regitsration of the capacity.

Do you want to know more about PerioCentryum Academy?

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