Lots of #thinkingperio activities

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The weekend comes full of activities for PerioCentrum‘s professionals. Besides the clinical activity and teh scientific research, training is one of PerioCentrum’s three main field of action. The members of the different clinics that constitute the group, mantain a constant learning activity. That learning activity is carried out by taking part in several professional courses and conferences, as well as by conducting PerioCentrum Academy’s own educational program, in which the best specialists sare their expertis with other colleagues.

Formación #thinkingperio

During this particular weekend, some members of PerioCentrum Bilbao Ortiz-Vigón Clinic will join “Periodontal disease’s prevention and treatment updating: rational use of antimicrobial agents” named course, coordinated by Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón and conducted by Dr. David Herrera. According to Herrera: “oral diseases, such as periodontal and periimplant diseases, as well as caries, are among the most prevalent human diseases. These pathologies have also in common that their aetiologic is associated with oral bacterial biofilms. Even if the mechanic contol/elimination of those biofilms is the base to prevention/treatment of periodontal diseases, the mechanic control might present several limits, which may be solved by chemical control based approaches, mainly with antimicrobial. Regarding prevention, using toothpastes and mouthwashes with active antimicrobial agents, could help improve the results of the mechanic control. However, only few products have the scientific endorsement and that should be taken into account when it comes to make a suggestion to our patients. Regarding treatment, locally applied antimicrobial or through systemic via, may imporve conventional teatment’s results. The associated risks and the adverse affects should limit their use though, and only use them under optimal circumstances”.

PerioCentrum Academy resumes its activity

Curso Manejo Tejidos BlandosOn the other hand, PerioCentrum Academy takes its activity up in Madrid by conducting the first part of the course “Soft Tissue’s Management”. This course is geared towards learning the most advanced techniques. Two live surgeries will be carried out and the participants will have the chance to practice with some pig and typodont heads by using the best microsurgery material and augmentation systems. Besides the practical part of the course, the students will have the chance to review the scientific literature and attend some master classes. Dr. Ortiz-Vigón is part of the faculty.

More information about the course (Spanish)

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