Welcome Dr. Iñaki Suárez!

[vc_row][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Bienvenido Dr. Iñaki Suarez


We are glad to communicate we continue progressing and growing. If during the previous weeks we have had the pleasure of announcing the incorporations of Dr. Jordi Navarro and Dr. Lidia Zarzuela, this time we would like you to discover our new specialist in periodontics and implants: Dr. Iñaki Suárez.


Dr. Iñaki Suárez has developed his professional career principally in Donostia, where he is native to. His career path has gone by odontology’s diverse specialities, such as: fixed and removable protheses, conservative odontology, endodontics, several periodontal treatments (including surgeries) as well as implantology. Dr. Suárez has listed our team as a specialist in periodontics and implants. Besides his clinical work,  he combines his professional activity with educational labors as a teacher of Master in Periodontics and Implants at University of the Basque Country and Master in Oral Implantology at ITECO – Alcalá.


Further education…

The new member of the team is an extraordinary professional. In fact, during his Master in Odontology at the University of the Basque Country, he was chosen Internal Student in the Surgery Department of the Faculty of Medicine (the first and only one to be chosen). On the other hand, Dr. Suárez has completed his educational training with top studies in the Complutensian University of Madrid: Master in Odontologic Sciences and Master in Periodontics and Implants. It is necesaary to emphasize his active involvement with numerous initiatives of the sector. Some of the most important ones: Midwinter Meeting (Chicago), American Prosthodontic Society Annual Meeting (Chicago), Advanced Esthetic Dentistry (Mauro Fradeani) and SEPA congress (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016), being a finalist in SEPA Valladolid 2014 (Poster Format).

Therefore, we are very pleased to have doctor Suárez between us and as a consequence, for having another colleague who can give our patients an improved service. Welcome to Ortiz-Vigón Clinic!

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