Week of clinic residences

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A referent in clinic residences in Bilbao

The program of clinical residences for hygienists and assistants of PerioCentrum has made possible to have with us new two the professionals in our day to day during this week. We have had the pleasure to have with us the periodontal maintenance responsible Andrea García and the clinic-assistant Sara Sigüenza. They both work in the field of odontology, but they have decided to extend their training time by collaborating with our team for a couple of days.

Both have taken part in the daily clinical meetings. In addition, they were present at surgical interventions of basic periodontal therapy and advanced periodontal therapy. Always accompanied by Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón and our colleagues Mónica Gonzalez and Eva González. We would like to thank both Andrea and Sara for their professionalism and for trusting Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum.

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Programa de residencias de PerioCentrum Academy

The clinical residences for hygienists and assistants compose a specific, personalized and made-to-measure program which PerioCentrum has been carrying out before for odontologists. In this type of residences assistants can discover the methodologies of work of the hygienists who work at the clinics of the group, to which Clinic Ortiz-Vigón belongs and, thereby, gain knowledge and confidence to imporve at their workplace. More information in our site for professionals or in PerioCentrum’s web.

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