Types of implant based prosthetics

In Ortiz-Vigón Clinic, as well as in every and each PerioCentrum’s clinic, we are specialized in periodontics and implantology. However, we understand there are people who get scared and are full of doubts when they hear about those terms.

As we have explained in previous occasions, dental implants are artificial titanium roots that replace natural teeth. They are inserted into the patient’s jawbone and provide support for their new permanent teeth. Implanted teeth look natural and are what best replaces the feeling of comfort and safety of our own teeth. If you would like to know when are they necessary, if they hurt, if there is any age limit, etc., here you can find the information you need. But, what types of prosthetics are based when an implantology treatment is carried out?

Typology of implant based prosthetics

  • Single implant based crown: this is the best option to replace the loss of a single dental piece. It’s the simplest procedure in the implantology field. The crown, or to say it in other words, the part which takes the form of the tooth, will be fixed to the implant by implementig a screw.

  • Implant-supported bridge: this method relates to a fixed bridge. To give but one example, by implementig 2 implants 3 teeth can be replaced. When the specialist use this technique to reapir the whole mouth, it is called implant-supported complete rehabilitation.
  • Implant retained overdenture: using 2-4 implants a dental prosthesis that remains removable achieves higher retention, which makes the prosthesis more fixed even it can be taken out.
  • Immediate loading: in some cases and always preceded by aproper study, it may be done a provisional fixed prosthesis based on the implants the same day they are implemented.  This method enables patients to be toohless during the integration period of the implants, as well as not having to use a provisional removable prosthesis on. However, this treatment is not indicated for all the patients.

Nowadays, the benefits of implant dentistry are evident: on the one hand, it prevents from bone loss as well as from damaging the teeth around the affected piece; and on the other hand, it helps to boost lost self-esteem and standar of living with a healthy and aesthetic mouth.

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