ITI Study Club Bilbao 2017 educational cycle completed

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Last December 1st Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao held the last of the 4 modules which have composed this year the International Team for Implantology (ITI) Study Club Bilbao directed by Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón and Erik Regidor. For this module, a theoretical – practical workshop “Hands On Confection of Implant-Supported Provisionals”, we had with us Dr. Ignacio Charlen. The ITI Study Clubs are an ideal platform for sharing group experiences and the opinion of participants in a trusted environment and informal atmosphere.

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Hands On Confection of Implant-Supported Provisionals

Dr. Ignacio Charlen was the guest speaker of this module. Degree in Odontolgy for the European University of Madrid (UEM), Master for Aesthetic Odontology for Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and full-time work in Aesthetic Odontolgy, Prostodontics and Oral Rehabilitation and Endodontics, this is how Dr. Charlen assesses this odontology field: Immediate implant placing and restoring currently pose a treatment modality with specific characteristics that have constantly evolved since their appearence on our daily practice. An adjacent to implementation provisional’s preparation, gives additional advantages not only regarding the aesthetic comfort of the patient, but also the support and the sustain of the original gingival architecture before the extraction”.

The fourth ITI Study Club Bilbao module was extended to a nearly whole day, beginning at 13:00 with the theoretical part and finishing in the late afternoon with the practical demonstration. Der. Charlen gave a masterclass which also supposed the closing of ITI Study Club Bilbao educational cycle of 2017.


New dates for ITI Study Club Bilbao 2018

The 2017 program has barely finished and we are already planning the courses of the next year. These will be the four modules that will compose ITI Study Club Bilbao 2018:

  1. Guided bone regeneration. April 2018
  2. Endodontically-treated and with poor long-term prognosis tooth restoration. April 2018
  3. Direct aesthetic restorations in anterior teeth. June 2018
  4. Periodontal Medicine. Systemic pathologies and periodontal disease. December 2018

Soon, we will give more details on concrete dates and the invited doctors who will teach each of themodules. Don’t wait any longer and book your place writing us to

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