Solidary and collaborative evening

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Smile is a Foundation: differential effort

Velada solidaria en favor de Smile is a Foundation

The data World Health Organization (WHO) provided in its last report about oral health was not pleasing at all. According to WHO, “60%-90% of the students and almost 100% of the adults have dental decay”. In addition, severe periodontal diseases affect 15%-20% of the adults between 35 and 44 and about 30% of population with ages between 65 and 74 do not have natural teeth. It can be expected that in the developing countries the numbers will throw worse conclusions and in this context, is where the humanitarian and solidary labor of organizations such as Smile is Foundation play a differential paper.

As you might already know, the non-profit Smile is a Foundation foundation fosters, organizes and coordinates projects related to humanitarian aid in the biosanitary field, from which Ortiz-Vigón Clinic and PerioCentrum are co-founders. The actions carried out on the ground have been developed in areas where people have no access to healthcare in Zimbabwe and they would not be possible without the contribution of sponsors and private contributors. The next campaign is expected to be developed at the end of this year and to make it happen, a solidary cocktail was held at Madrid to raise funds for Smile is a Foundation. The evening was full of activities and willingness to collaborate was the main protagonist.

Excellent reception

Velada solidaria en favor de Smile is a FoundationThe solidary evening was a total success of assistance. The organization planned several activities to raise funds, amongs other: selling t-shirts of the organization, a stand of temporary tattoos, a raffle win which PerioCentrum collaborated with some tickets to watch the musical The Lion King. Moreover, an auction was organized and the attendees could bid for many different articles (such as signed football jerseys) and all the money raised will be destined to field actions. We would like to thank all the people who came by to the event for their suuport and collaboration. 

In either case, any help is very welcome and you can collaborate with Smile is a Foundation:

  • Become a member and donate regularly the quantity you want.
  • By means of bank-transfer: Banco Santander: ES29 0049 6699 1824 1626 3921.
  • By using PayPal. 

Once again, thank you! Here you have some pictures of the event:

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