A smile for your fight in the World Breast Cancer Day

World Breast Cancer Day is observed every October 19. A day to follow-up of the commitment of the soceity in the fight against this type of cancer. In Spain 1 of every 8 women will suffer form it according to the last information of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (known by its acronym in Spanish AECC). In fact, every year about 25.000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed. Undoubtedly, it constitutes one of the greatest social worries and the forecast is an increase of 11 % and of 17 % for 2020 and 2025, respectively, will take place.

A chance for hope

Nevertheless, not all the data throw negative forecasts. Regarding information of survival, AECC assures “survival for breast cancer has improved notably in the last 20 years (the survival-rate rises every year 1,4%). Every year we have more information to prematurely diagnose and to treat breast cancer, which has enabled the global survival to be  82,8 % in our country after 5 years of the diagnosis”. A reason for hope for the whole citizenship and a compelling reason to continue betting for investigation.

Our little dedication

It is not our intention to exhibit, to discuss or to deem on breats cancer and its impact. Possibly, you, the one reading these lines, have suffered this disease or have known someone who has suffered it. For this reason, today we want to join to AECC’s slogan #TuLuchaEsMiLucha (“your fight is my fight”) with a video for you. Because in light of your fears, your dreams and, especially, your courage … we can only show all our admiration and return the best of our smiles. Per today, and for each of the days of your path.

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