Scope, competences, learning outcomes and methods of periodontal education within the undergraduate dental curriculum

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The explosion in new knowledge in the last three decades has imposed important challenges in the training of all health workers, including dentists. These breakthroughs do not rapidly permeate educational cirricula. This is particularly relevant in Periodontology, because of recent breakthroughs in diagnostics and therapeutic approaches and by the advent of new knowledge on the implications of periodontal and peri-implant infections on systemic health and on ageing populations. Periodontology as one of the major oral health sciences requires a broad understanding of a spectrum of healthcare and basic sciences, together with specific education. In preparation for graduation, students must demonstrate a variety of acquired learning out-comes, which, in turn demand variety in learning and teaching methods. Based on the ADEE principles for dental education and in full respect of the Bolonga process, this paper describes the competencies and learning outcomes which are requested in periodontology for the dentist at graduation.

Keywords: periodontology; dental education; undergraduate.

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