The course moves forward at PerioCentrum Academy

The education program for dentists of PerioCentrum Academy keeps moving forward. This weekend was held in Madrid the Bone Regeneration in Implant Surgery course. Three days of theoretical and practical training with the possibility to watch a live surgery as well. PerioCentrum’s doctors, including Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón, covered different topics connected to the main subject matter in what turned out to be another intense and rewarding training course.

PerioCentrum Academy: curso de regeneración ósea guiada

Three days of Guided Bone Regeneration in Implant Surgery

This maxilla and mandible handling intensive course of PerioCentrum Academy’s primary goal is to teach participants about the specific use of the most updated and used reconstruction technqiues for hard tissues. An intensive course which extends to a three-days training with diverse content.

The first day, on Thursday, was the day with higher theoretical content. Dr. Alfonso Oteo (PerioCentrum Segovia) gave the inaugural lecture with a class about “Defect diagnosis. Analysing and planning the case”. Dr. Daniel Rodrigo followed with a class about “Presevation of the alveolus”. After that, Dr. Fabio Vignoletti (PerioCentrum Madrid and Verona) was in charge of completing the theoretical training, exploring themes such as “Biological prinicples in guided bone regeneration”, “Biomaterials in guided bone regeneration” and “Immediate implants”. 

Theoretical classes continued during the first part on Friday with Dr. Ramón Lorenzo (PerioCentrum Madrid and Ávila), Dr. Alberto Ortiz-Vigón (Ortiz-Vigón Clinic – PerioCentrum Bilbao) and Dr. Daniel Rodrigo with topics suh as “Guided bone regeneration in horizontal defects”, “Open sinus lift”, “Guided bone regeneration in verticla defects” and “Closed sinus lift”. The participants were able to dedicate full afternoon to the practice. They practiced with typodonts and animal models to practice bone regeneration different techniques. All materials were provided by PerioCentrum’s strategic partners: Nobel Biocare, Salugraft Dental, Inibsa Dental, BTI Biotechnology Institute, Straumann and Bonfanti & Gris Instrumental.

The third session focused on discussion of clinical cases and a live surgery to treat a specific case of “Resolving a complication of a vertical regeneration with a non-resorbable membrane due to its half a month exposure”. The presentation of diplomas closed on Saturday afternoon another edition of Guided Bone Regeneration in Implant Surgery.

Training in June

As we say, PerioCentrum Academy continues with the proposed porgramme for this year 2018. On 1 and 2 June will take place in Madrid the first part of “Soft-tissue management” course. This course aims to teach participants the most updated specific use of mucogingival techniques. You can see the programme without any kind of commitment. We remind that seating is limited, with a maximum of 15 participants. Do not miss the chance and write us to academy@periocentrum. com or call us at 91 827 53 06.

On the other hand, our clinic will host the ITI Study Club Bilbao‘s third session next June 15th. Dr. Vincenzo Giovane will speak about “Direct aesthetic restorations in the anterior areas”. ITI Study Club sessions are free for ITI members. Seating places are limited too so if you want to join, write us to

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